Today, pray this prayer of preparation, reading it aloud:
Dear God, guide my thoughts and actions as I go through these 40 days with You. May my prayers go deeper and truly seek your will; may I received a new understanding of the scriptures I read; may my actions lead me closer to You. Help me to toss aside the boundaries I usually place on my relationship with You and learn to live life WIDE OPEN in the arms of your love and grace. Thank You for the many blessings You have placed in my life. Thank You for your mercy and for the gift of your Son, Jesus the Christ. Help me to focus on His life, His death and His resurrection. Walk with me through this adventure and I will seek to follow You everywhere You lead me.
In the name of Savior,
Just a reminder that each Saturday will give you a chance to catch up on the week, and each Sunday during Lent I will offer an overview of the theme for the upcoming week.
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