Monday, March 7, 2011

Liver & Lima Beans

The 40 days of Lent (and of our upcoming adventure) are analogous to the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and resisting temptation (see Matthew 4:1-11). Many Christians choose to "give up" something for Lent as their way of seeking to commune with the Christ. You may choose to give up Starbucks, chocolate, soda, TV or something else that you feel is a sacrifice. Then at the end of the season we go right back to the things we give up. This is fine, but...

Last year on The 40 Day Adventue the scripture at the top of the page (2 Corinthians 6:11, The Message) guided us through the desert. The apostle Paul is telling us that Jesus wants us to live a WIDE OPEN life!  Don't be fenced in by the standards of the world around you; go for the gold. For many years I joked that every year for Lent I would give up liver and lima beans. And I never cheated on that promise. It was easy- I HATE liver and lima beans! This may seem like a terrible way to approach Lent, but in some bizarre way I was on to something. Liver and lima beans are not a part of my life. This year, in addition to whatever you have chosen to sacrifice, consider this: Give up something you never want to take back again. Give up your anger towards another person. Give up a sin that you struggle with. Don't be fenced in; don't think small. Pray today about opening up your life to Jesus. What can you let go of and give to God that you never want to see again? It's time to find Sanctuary in the arms of God.  Jesus came so that we would have life- and not just any life, but ABUNDANT life (John 10:10)! It's time to do a little spring cleaning...

He Is Risen!

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